March 7, 2019
FORGE Members played the Game of Life with Lowndes County Career Technical Students. For the game, students were given career cards that aligned with the program in which they are enrolled. These cards include job descriptions, salary information and benefits. Along with the Career cards, students were given life cards which included marital status, whether they had children or pets, and a yearly expense for that life. Before ever beginning the game, we broke down the information on the cards. We talked about the importance of benefits, and made sure everyone knew what their benefits were. Students were then tasked with playing life. They went around to multiple stations and had to purchase a house, car, insurance for both, pay utilities, purchase a cell phone plan, and buy groceries. While students were making their way around the stations, we had people passing out chance cars. These cards represent the added expenses of life such as buying new tires for your vehicle, fixing your broken cell phone, going on vacation, buying your child clothes for the new school year, or even losing your job. We also included positive cards like getting a bonus at work.
Once students completed the game, we sat down to talk it out. We asked what expenses surprised them, what is something they learned, were they impressed or unimpressed by the career card they had, and many others. We wanted this game to be as realistic as possible, so we used all real jobs from real companies in the Greater Triangle Region. We used local businesses to gain knowledge and costs of housing, vehicles, insurance, utilities and phone plans in the GTR as well.